Saturday, June 9, 2012

I'm trying to understand Islam


OK so I have never been that religious, I do not even pray, but lately I have thinking about life in general, and a lot about religion and I want to learn more. Being in a western country so many people keep saying how " god doesn't exist, and its all fairy tales"... At one moment I was thinking about atheism, but something just hit me and I knew that life was actually worth something and there has to be some type of after life. Now I'm trying to understand Islam. I really do want to become a better muslim, but there are few things I need to understand about Islam. So first, how is Islam different then all of the other religions and do you think it is a "backwards religion" as some people call it? Do you believe science and religion can co-exist? I definitely believe in evolution but not in the sense that we were apes first and then became human. I think that the idea of natural selection and parts of evolution are definitely true. Lastly, the main thing I am having trouble grasping is why do bad things happen in this world? Especially with everything going on in Syria, it just breaks my heart to see so many people in pain! What would be an Islamic approach to this issue? Is it because god is testing them or have they done something bad? Or does this just go to show that there is a better world after this life. I'm trying really hard to figure all of this out and it would mean a lot if someone could help me! I would greatly appreciate it! Thank you so much! :)

Answered by IQRA Newsletter:

 1) How is Islam different then all of the other religions?
Islam is a way of life which means to surrender, submit and obey God in sincerity and in peace.

Read this:…

2) Do you think it is a "backwards religion" as some people call it?
Islam is not backwards.
"The religion of Allaah does not follow the whims and desires of anyone. Allaah is the One Who has created the universe and mankind, and He knows what is best for them in this life and in the Hereafter, so He issues commands and prohibitions for what is best for them in both realms."
{Islamqa, Fatwa no. 50687}

3) Do you believe science and religion can co-exist?

Please read "Quran and Modern Science" by Dr Zakir Naik:…

4) The main thing I am having trouble grasping is why do bad things happen in this world?
A must read!…

Question answered in Yahoo Answers

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